A Message For The Animals
- At June 25, 2016
- By Rosemary Wright
- In My Column

A Message For The Animals
A Daily Acknowledgement
A Message For The Animals – I am NOT a religious woman. I have seen the things that humans do in the name of ‘religion’ and there is no more potent force for evil, than a bastardized religion, twisted to support an ideology based on bigotry, greed, the craving for power and hatred. People want to follow – to be led – to belong – to believe in something greater than themselves. Religion is therefore a useful tool for those engaged in negativity. Instead, it needs to be an inclusive, global force for love. Religions should not compete with one another for dominance or surround themselves in riches and self-aggrandisement. Much has to change.
Organized religion has not been part of my life since childhood. However, I am a believer in a power far greater than what we see on Earth. I trust in the Universe. There is a balance between accumulated good and evil. Every time we do something that contributes to the overall good on the planet – it matters. It allows positive action to be in the ascendency and it counters someone who is hateful or unkind. How we behave every day is important.
Fifteen years ago, I wrote a message to the animals. I don’t call it a prayer, but I believe in its power to reach those who believe in a kinder, more gentle world. I say this message every night without fail. It is based on the power of the twin concepts of light and love.
I felt that I wanted to share it for the Yulin dogs and cats – even though its purpose – is a message of hope for all animals. Every day, animals are brutalized by human ignorance, arrogance and a false sense of human superiority. If this helps someone else to express their feelings I will be pleased.
A Message For The Animals
“In the name of light and love
I surround every suffering creature
And every part of our beautiful planet
That is in peril with energy, light and love
May the power of this message
Be used wherever it is needed
To turn darkness into light
And hatred into love.
May every animal who is suffering
Know that we see you – we hear you
We are trying to help you.
Whether you are chained, caged or confined
Desperate, abused, lonely or depressed
You are important – you matter.
We will be your caretakers, your guardians
And your warriors and we will never give up
Until animals are protected in every country
Until your right to a life free from cruelty
And exploitation is acknowledged globally.
I send this message in the name of light and love
And the animals know – they are wise
Beyond human understanding”.
Rosemary Wright
June 25, 2016
It Is A Small Gesture – I Light A Candle For Animals – Every Day!